Advantages of Deep Web




To be completely honest, that one is a double-edged sword. Anonymity results in freedom, which sounds perfect. Sadly it is also the honey that attracts all the criminal activity that gives the deepweb such a bad name.

Political Activism

The deep web has result in a speaker for noble causes. Oppressive                        governments are a crude reality in the 21st century. Information is a very                powerful weapon to this kind of regimes, and its citizen’s movements on              the World Wide Web are strictly monitored to avoid the spread of                            revolutionary ideas. Blocking websites, especially the ones related to social              media, is a common measure in oppressive environments. It is in this                      context that browsers such as Tor appear as a solution to enable a safe                    communication line not only in a national level, it also allows international              denounce certain situations. The deep web has had a major role in recent                historical events such as the Arab spring.

Freedom of Speech

That would be a direct consequence of anonymity. The right to freely                        express your opinion on any topic without fearing persecution that most                  western countries take for granted (although with these matters, you                        never really know what might happen) is almost a utopia in certain parts                  of the world.


The deepweb stores the largest virtual libraries you could possibly                            imagine. It is a great space for researchers, students and teachers, since                  what they can find in the deep net will more probably not be available                      from standard search engines.
